Home Tattoo Artistry Fun infographic to understand the 12 Tattoo Styles

Fun infographic to understand the 12 Tattoo Styles

by белый

Guide Fun infographic to understand the 12 Tattoo Styles

Fun infographic to understand the 12 Tattoo Styles

Mário Mateus June 25, 2023 One Min Read Tattoo Styles Explained with an Alpaca

An infographic to understand the main styles

Fun infographic to understand the 12 Tattoo Styles

Click here to see the image in full size.

You can also check our full guide to tattoo styles here. This is a quick guide – several images didn’t make the final cut as we couldn’t fit everything and wanted to prioritise the “fun” part of it. If you wish to see all the images, read about the styles in detail or check out other styles we didn’t mention, make sure to check the full blog post with more styles.

Which would you like to see on the part 2 of this infographic?  


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