Home LifeStyle Are you an Aquarius looking for unconventional romantic connections? Here are the most and least compatible star signs for the independent Water Bearer.

Are you an Aquarius looking for unconventional romantic connections? Here are the most and least compatible star signs for the independent Water Bearer.

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Fixed air sign Aquarius, ruled by electrifying Uranus, is the zodiac’s very own flower child. They prefer living by their own code versus conforming to anything society tends to think of as normal. Aquarians exhibit rebelliousness, quirkiness, a love of community and humanitarian causes, an innate comfort with platonic bonds, and a rational—if at times contrarian—outlook on life.

These characteristics reflect themes covered by the Eleventh House of Networking, which Aquarius rules. The Eleventh House covers groups of all kinds—those you form with friends, colleagues, neighbors, and other members of your political party. It also speaks to wishes, destiny, hope, and the aspirations you’ll achieve through collaboration.

If you’re similarly offbeat, intellectual, personable, and future-minded, you’ll likely click with an Aquarian person. Ahead, Aquarius’ compatibility with all 12 signs of the zodiac.

Aquarius and Aries: Outlook Good

Aquarius is sextile, or two signs apart from cardinal fire sign Aries, making for a friendly, easygoing bond. Both are free-spirited, independent, and driven to achieve in their own way. However, because Aquas tend to be a bit more of a people person than Aries, and Aries is often more open-minded, there’s a lot they can learn from one another. The Ram will be quick to jump on whatever massive undertaking the two dream up, while the Water Bearer can ensure follow-through.

Aquarius and Taurus: Problematic Pair

Aquarius is square, or three signs apart from fellow fixed sign, earthy Taurus, which makes for a challenging yet activating dynamic. Both the Water Bearer and the Bull tend to be a bit hardheaded and set on seeing the world through their own lens, which can make it tough for them to get on the same page. While Taurus, ruled by pleasure-seeking Venus, is a bit of a slow-paced homebody, Aquarius wants to get out and be in the world, surrounded by anyone and everyone. Still, if these two are willing to consider the other’s perspective, they’ll find they can accomplish anything they set out to do as a pair.

Aquarius and Gemini: Ideal Match

Aquarius is trine, or four signs apart, from mutable air sign Gemini. This is one of the most natural pairings you can imagine, as both are humanitarian, social, and mentally charged. Still, despite sharing all that airiness with Gemini, the Water Bearer is the fixed sign of the air crew, so they do tend to dig their heels in on the way they see the world, while Gemini wants to reserve the right to switch things up at a moment’s notice. Leaning into their innate tendencies to be open-minded and accepting of one another’s eccentricities can keep this airy pair on the same page.

Aquarius and Cancer: Not Meant to Be

Aquarius is quincunx, or five signs apart, from cardinal water sign Cancer, making for an awkward, uncertain pairing. Ruled by revolutionary Uranus, airy Aquarius is aloof, cool, and future-minded, preferring to embrace rational thought over emotions. Cancer, on the other hand, is rarely going to set aside how they intuitively feel in order to use just their head. The Crab has a soft spot for traditions, especially those that are interwoven with family. The Water Bearer prefers to strike out on their own—and against convention.

Aquarius and Leo: Opposites Attract

Aquarius is opposite, or six signs apart from fixed fire sign Leo, making for a yin-yang match. Ruled by revolutionary Uranus, airy Aquarius can be distant, chilly, progressive, and platonic-minded. Leo, conversely, exudes warmth and dreams of cinematic-level romance. The Lion also tends to be self-focused and would love to be seen as a thought leader. The contrarian Water Bearer prefers eccentricity, abhors conformity, and prioritizes community over self. Still, each has what the other could use a bit more of, so as long as both partners give and take, their relationship could be as well.

Aquarius and Virgo: Full of Potential

Aquarius is quincunx, or five signs apart from mutable earth sign Virgo, which is generally thought of as a rather awkward angle. While Aquarius is obsessed with what’s happening on a universal scale and Virgo’s totally in the weeds, these two can find common ground when it comes to their big, humanitarian hearts, rational mindsets, and personability. Aquarius can introduce Virgo to the nonprofit or campaign they’re deeply committed to, and Virgo can devise a step-by-step action plan for making real progress.

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Aquarius and Libra: Highly Compatible

Aquarius is trine, or four signs apart from cardinal air sign Libra, which is thought of as a harmonious match. Both are super social and possess high mental energy, and they’ll often come across as an influential power couple. At the same time, Libra, ruled by sweet Venus, enjoys old-fashioned romance that could strike quirky, mainstream-loathing Aquarius as boring and conventional. That said, being willing to embrace one another’s passions will keep this airy pair on the same page.

Aquarius and Scorpio: Better as Friends

Aquarius is square, or three signs apart from fixed water sign Scorpio, which is thought of as a tense, at worst—and activating, at best—connection. Water Bearers are notoriously friendly but aloof; future-minded but stubborn; and idealistic but contrarian. They’re wired to engage with the world in a very intellectual way, while Scorpio can’t help but be feeling, intuitive, and even psychically tapping into the shadow side of life. As two fixed signs, both might refuse to pivot from their go-to game plan, resulting in a stalemate.

Aquarius and Sagittarius: Ideal Pair

Aquarius is sextile, or two signs apart from mutable fire sign Sagittarius, which makes for a friendly, organic connection. The Water Bearer prioritizes humanity, community, and what’s best for everyone collectively. This can be a lovely complement to Sag’s adoration of the truth and soaking up knowledge and their unconventional, free-spirited path. The only spot where they might clash: Despite being so future-minded and progressive, Aquarius tends to think in a black-and-white way, while Sag likes being open-minded. If they can learn from one another, they’ll be unstoppable.

Aquarius and Capricorn: It's Complicated

Aquarius is semi-sextile, or one sign apart from Capricorn, the cardinal earth sign, which makes for a bit of awkwardness. The Water Bearer prioritizes humanity, community, and what’s best for everyone collectively. Alternatively, Cap is a bit more focused on taking on the challenges they see along their own path. Capricorn also sticks with a tried-and-true traditional approach, whereas Aquarius is about moving in an unconventional, free-spirited direction. If Cap’s willing to let Aquarius show them the beauty of striking out on their own and Aquarius is open to learning about stick-to-itiveness from the Goat, they may be a dynamic duo.

Aquarius and Aquarius: In Sync

Two Aquarians are sure to be instant friends, pumped to pair up to save the world. Even if they're romantically involved, they'll feel like besties. They're both most comfortable in platonic relationships, in which they have enough room to breathe; they'll have no problem getting exactly that from one another. The only trouble spot could be when one Water Bearer's rational but often black-and-white way of thinking isn't in line with the other's.

Aquarius and Pisces: Mismatched

Aquarius is semi-sextile, or one sign apart from Pisces, the mutable water sign, which makes for a little uneasiness. Although both are humanitarians and endlessly imaginative, the Water Bearer thinks in a very scientific, logical way, while the Fish is a dreamer through and through. However, Aquarius can learn adaptability from the Fish, while the Fish can learn to be more proactive in hitting their goals. If these two are willing to see the world through the other’s lens, they could take even their wildest artistic idea and turn it into something real.

The Bottom Line

It's true that Aquarius is the free-spirited rebel of the zodiac. However, that doesn't mean that the Water Bearer can only get along with fellow mavericks. After all, astrology goes far beyond our sun signs—encompassing placements in Venus, Pluto, Mars, Mercury, and more.

Simply put, you have to look at your entire natal chart to determine compatibility. (Running a synastry report on a site like CafeAstrology.com or getting a reading from a professional astrologer can offer the most accurate, individualized insight.)

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