Home Tattoo Artistry What would Cristiano Ronaldo look like if he had tattoos

What would Cristiano Ronaldo look like if he had tattoos

by белый

Some celebrities refuse to get tattoos. A wide array of factors can contribute to this decision. Here’s a few reasons celebreties have claimed:

  • Henry cavill doesn’t get ink so his elegibility for certain hollywood roles doesn’t get compromised. Mark Walhberg is even removing old tattoos for the same reason. 
  • The brazilian football player David Luiz also stays away from tattoos, but for religious reasons, as he is a devouted catholic.
  • Taylor Swift as claimed she is just not ready yet to commit to the ink.

So, for all the curious minds out there, here’s what our favourite celebs would look like, if they had tattoos:

Cristiano Ronaldo with Tattoos

In a world where all of Ronaldo’s rivals and teammates have tattoos (Messi, Neymar, Zlatan…) it’s interesting to notice that this superstar has managed to fight off the pressure and remain ink free.

As some of you might know Cristiano Ronaldo doesn’t get tattoos, piercings or permanent make-up because it  will impair him from donating blood more frequently – something he has been doing for years.

See also
How to do Hand-Poked Tattoos (Stick & Poke)

Make sure to check out the story of why he started doing it here.

And here’s what he would look like with a few black and grey tatts on his chest and arms:

What would Cristiano Ronaldo look like if he had tattoos

Original on the left, with fictional ink on the right. 

What do you think? A nice right side black&gray sleeve work and a chest tattoo of an owl holding a skull.

What would Cristiano Ronaldo look like if he had tattoos

And a close up without the full sleeve on the right side.

What do think? Prefer the original CR7?

What about You?

Would you like to see what you’d look like with a tattoo you don’t have yet?

Just send us a brief email to [email protected] with your idea and we’ll get back to you. 

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