Home LifeStyle There are many layers to what astrologers refer to as synastry, or the analysis of two people’s birth charts. Here are each sign’s best and worst matches across the zodiac.

There are many layers to what astrologers refer to as synastry, or the analysis of two people’s birth charts. Here are each sign’s best and worst matches across the zodiac.

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As much as anyone loves to learn about themselves through the lens of astrology, channeling the practice toward better understanding relationship dynamics can be downright intoxicating. After all, getting a better sense of how you connect or clash with someone can be empowering and validating. And there are many layers to what we astrologers refer to as synastry, or the analysis of two people’s birth, or natal, charts.

For starters, while it’s definitely beneficial to start with your own and another person’s sun sign— which oversees your identity and self-image—there are so many other details and layers of your birth chart that can illustrate underlying connections. Your moon sign could be closely conjunct (aka in the same sign and degree) as another person’s sun sign, which is one of the most powerful indicators of compatibility, because one person’s sense of self is in line with the other person’s emotional personality. That said, as you read more about zodiac compatibility, you’ll do well to consider your whole birth chart, if you have it handy.

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Most compatible with Aries:

Signs that fall under the same element (meaning fire, earth, air, or water) tend to have the most natural chemistry, because these signs form a harmonious angle called a trine to one another. In the case of fire signs, though, even trines can get a little bit crunchy, because both tend to be action-oriented and interested in running the show. Still, they might also share mutual passion, creativity, and joie de vivre. That tends to be the case for cardinal fire sign Aries with both fellow fire signs charismatic Leo and wanderlust-fueled Sagittarius. The go-getter, competitive Ram will also hit it off with two air signs: social, on-the-go Gemini and future-minded, independent Aquarius.

Least compatible with Aries:

Although Aries and Libra are two sides of the same coin as opposite sides of one axis, the argument-loving fire sign and harmony-seeking cardinal air sign might find it tough to land on the same page. Aries also shares the same quality, or modality, as heartfelt, sentimental, sensitive Cancer and studious, industrious, serious Capricorn, which means they form a square, an angle that can spur tension, for the most part, and occasionally, productivity, given their shared cardinality, or interest in initiating big picture visions.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Most compatible with Taurus:

In general, two earth signs have no trouble finding common ground, given that they share an innate pragmatism and desire to plan ahead. That said, a sensual, down-to-earth fixed earth sign Taurus will likely be simpatico with a similarly practical, thoughtful Virgo and hardworking, goal-oriented Capricorn. The deliberate, slow-paced Bull will also enjoy harmony with two water signs: homebody, family-oriented Cancer and dreamy, spiritual Pisces.

Least compatible with Taurus:

Opposites can attract, so Taurus and fixed water sign Scorpio might find fireworks stem from their differences and commonalities, which include being laser-focused on their aspirations and tendency to dig their heels in. However, stubbornness and seeing the world through two very different lenses lead to an impasse.

Taurus is also square (the most challenging angle that can exist between two signs) leadership-loving fixed fire sign Leo and contrarian fixed air sign Aquarius. 

There are many layers to what astrologers refer to as synastry, or the analysis of two people's birth charts. Here are each sign's best and worst matches across the zodiac.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Most compatible with Gemini:

Because air signs tend to be so cerebral and social, they’ll often find they can readily dive into lively conversation right off the bat. That should absolutely be the case for Gemini, the mutable air sign, and their fellow air signs, diplomatic, beauty-loving Libra and futuristic, group-oriented Aquarius. A buzzy, information-gathering Twins person will also enjoy the company of two of the fire signs: a dynamic, action-oriented Aries and spotlight-loving Leo.

Least compatible with Gemini:

Gemini’s opposite, mutable fire sign Sagittarius adores seeking knowledge and globetrotting just like the sign of the Twins, so there’s certainly a way in which these two signs could see eye-to-eye. But because both are innately changeable, they might struggle to commit or get aggravated by one another’s indecisiveness. 

Gemini might also have trouble harmonizing with two other signs it squares: service-oriented, detail-driven mutable earth sign Virgo and imaginative, sensitive mutable water sign Pisces.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Most compatible with Cancer:

Two water signs not only form a lovely trine, which makes for an easygoing, mutually understanding bond, but they’re also apt to hold space for one another as a result being similarly emotional, sensitive, and romantic. That’s the case for emotionally intelligent, self-protective cardinal water sign Cancer with its fellow water signs, emotionally intense fixed water sign Scorpio and empathic, spiritual mutable water sign Pisces.

Cancer will also find smooth sailing with similarly sensual and homebody-ish fixed earth sign Taurus and nurturing, service-oriented mutable earth sign Virgo. 

Least compatible with Cancer:

Cancer’s opposite, industrious cardinal earth sign Capricorn tends to hold their cards very close to the chest, preferring to keep a serious focus on their work and big picture goals, which can feel quite foreign to the deeply feeling, sensitive Crab. Being open to one another’s world view and very different priorities is a must for these two to hit it off.

Cancer is also square (the most tense angle between signs) speedy cardinal fire sign Aries and diplomacy-loving cardinal air sign Libra, which can make for a more challenging connection.

Leo (July 23–Aug. 22)

Most compatible with Leo:

Two fire signs can have an easy time connecting if they’re on the same page with their most passionate ideas and agenda — and are able to step aside and let someone else soak up the limelight for a moment, too. That said, Leo might have fun with the similarly dynamic cardinal fire sign Aries and similarly joyful, entertaining mutable fire sign Sagittarius.

They could also be thrilled to spend time with a loquacious mutable air sign Gemini or people-oriented cardinal air sign Libra.

Least compatible with Leo:

Leo is opposite fixed air sign Aquarius, known for being a future-minded, science-driven, and at times, contrarian team player. Both signs are independent-minded, but Leo’s self-focus (courtesy of its ruler, the confident sun) and Aquarius’ desire to put what’s best for the greater good ahead of the self can set a tough tone for this stubborn pair.

The Lion could also find discord with the two other signs it squares: fixed earth sign Taurus who moves at a leisurely pace that’s typically far too slow for go-getter Leo and fixed water sign Scorpio, which is as private as Leo is obsessed with the spotlight.

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Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)

Most compatible with Virgo:

A pair of earth signs tend to find common ground organically, because both are grounded, committed to keeping it real, and willing to do the work to cross the finish line on their pragmatic goals. This is the case for mutable earth sign Virgo with fellow earth signs, sensual, laser-focused fixed earth sign Taurus and industrious, tradition-loving cardinal earth sign Capricorn.

The Maiden will also find an easygoing vibe with two of the water signs: similarly thoughtful, heartfelt, and sensitive cardinal water sign Cancer and investigative, loyal fixed water sign Scorpio. 

Least compatible with Virgo:

Virgo sits opposite Pisces, the intuitive mutable water sign that excels at getting swept away by big emotions and dreams, healing themselves and others, and tuning into their artistic impulses. Both signs are innately intuitive, to be sure, but Virgo’s desire to stick with what’s logical, rational, and concrete could cause rockiness with escapist, imaginative Pisces.

The Maiden may also struggle to get in sync with the two other mutable signs it forms a square to: dualistic and at times scattered mutable air sign Gemini and unfiltered mutable fire sign Sagittarius.

Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

Most compatible with Libra:

Diplomatic, people-oriented Libra makes it their mission to get along with just about anyone, but the cardinal air sign finds it especially natural to connect with one of the two other air signs — bubbly mutable air sign Gemini and humanitarian fixed air sign Aquarius — given that they share a cerebral, social perspective. 

A Scales person will also find it innate to click with two of the action-oriented fire signs: sunny, charismatic fixed fire sign Leo and jovial, adventurous mutable fire sign Sagittarius.

Least compatible with Libra:

Libra sits opposite Aries, the cardinal fire sign that enjoys heated debate and competition, which is quite counter to how someone born under the peace-seeking, conflict-averse sign of the Scales functions. Their saving grace could be that both are big picture thinkers and initiative takers.

Libra might also clash with the two other signs it forms a tense (albeit, at times, activating) square to: self-protective, at times moody cardinal water sign Cancer and serious, driven cardinal earth sign Capricorn.

There are many layers to what astrologers refer to as synastry, or the analysis of two people's birth charts. Here are each sign's best and worst matches across the zodiac.

Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)

Most compatible with Scorpio:

Diplomatic, people-oriented scorpio makes it their mission to get along with just about anyone, but the cardinal air sign finds it especially natural to connect with one of the two other air signs — bubbly mutable air sign Gemini and humanitarian fixed air sign Aquarius — given that they share a cerebral, social perspective. A Scales person will also find it innate to click with two of the action-oriented fire signs: sunny, charismatic fixed fire sign Leo and jovial, adventurous mutable fire sign Sagittarius.

Least compatible with Scorpio:

Scorpio sits opposite Aries, the cardinal fire sign that enjoys heated debate and competition, which is quite counter to how someone born under the peace-seeking, conflict-averse sign of the Scales functions. Their saving grace could be that both are big picture thinkers and initiative takers. Scorpio might also clash with the two other signs it forms a tense (albeit, at times, activating) square to: self-protective, at times moody cardinal water sign Cancer and serious, driven cardinal earth sign Capricorn.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

Most compatible with Sagittarius:

Full of wanderlust and constantly seeking bigger, broader horizons, Sagittarius could be enlivened and entertained by fellow fire signs, impulsive, go-getter cardinal fire sign Aries and fiercely driven fixed fire sign Leo — as long as each party is willing to share their power and spotlight. 

Sag can also find harmony with two of the cerebral, social, people-oriented air signs: balance-seeking cardinal air sign Libra and team player fixed air sign Aquarius.

Least compatible with Sagittarius:

Sagittarius is opposite Gemini, the mutable air sign that is just as much of a lifelong learner as the Archer. However, the Twins’ energy tends to be more bubbly and unattached, while Sag generally has a set agenda, which could set these two up for feeling out of sync with one another. 

Sag can also run into trouble with two other signs it squares: sensitive, detail-driven mutable earth sign Virgo and emotional, tenderhearted mutable water sign Pisces. 

Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

Most compatible with Capricorn:

Fellow earth signs—grounded, steady fixed earth sign Taurus and service-oriented, hardworking mutable earth sign Virgo—have quite a bit in common with the industrious, traditionalist cardinal earth sign, symbolized by the Sea Goat.

And because earth signs often find smooth sailing with water signs, as the two elements complement and balance one another, Capricorn will also learn quite a bit from emotionally intense, power-seeking fixed water sign Scorpio and dreamy, spiritual mutable water sign Pisces.

Least compatible with Capricorn:

Capricorn sits opposite Cancer, the cardinal water sign that is incredibly sentimental, nurturing, and, ruled by the emotional moon, very in tune with their heart—to the point that they can struggle with moodiness. As pragmatic and driven as Cap is, they can have a difficult time getting in tune with the Crab’s emotionality. 

Cap might also clash with two other signs it forms a tense (but, at times, activating) square to: hotheaded, wide-eyed cardinal fire sign Aries and peace-and beauty-loving cardinal air sign Libra. 

Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)

Most compatible with Aquarius:

Two air signs often click simply as a result because of their shared cerebral perspective and the fact that they’re so people-oriented, and that’s definitely the case for Aquarius and chatty, on-the-go mutable air sign Gemini and diplomatic, social cardinal air sign Libra. 

The Water Bearer can also find natural harmony with two of the three fire signs: go-getter cardinal fire sign Aries and philosophical mutable fire sign Sagittarius.

Least compatible with Aquarius:

Group-oriented Aquarius is opposite Leo, the fixed fire sign ruled by the sun, which, in astrology, oversees self-image, so this pair might butt heads not only as a result of both being innately obstinate but because the Water Bearer is more interested in community endeavors while the Lion prefers to command the center of attention. Still, they could connect by celebrating their shared love of individuality.

The rebellious Water Bearer might also struggle to get on the same page as the two signs it squares: slow-paced, creature of habit fixed earth sign Taurus and intimacy-seeking, intensely private fixed water sign Scorpio.

Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20)

Most compatible with Pisces:

Water signs generally find it simple enough to bond with fellow water signs, given that both are naturally in tune with their emotional selves, intuition, and a desire to connect with others on an intimate level. That said, dreamy, spiritual-minded Pisces clicks with caregiving, heartfelt cardinal water sign Cancer and mysterious, deeply emotional fixed water sign Scorpio. 

The Fish will also have organic chemistry with two of the three earth signs: sensual fixed earth sign Taurus and slow, steady, goal-oriented cardinal earth sign Capricorn.

Least compatible with Aquarius:

Escapist, poetic Pisces sits opposite Virgo, the rational detail-focused mutable earth sign, and because these two speak very different languages, it can be challenging for them to find common ground. Still, both are intuitive and care deeply about helping others, so focusing on that could make for easygoing bonding.

The psychic, sensitive Fish might also have trouble clicking with two signs it squares: buzzy, social mutable air sign Gemini and tell-it-like-it-is, irreverent mutable fire sign Sagittarius.

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