And it’s something you can make at home.
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Reporting from Recco, Italy
Ask Fred Plotkin, the author of Italian cookbooks and restaurant guides, and he’ll say the most craveable food on the planet can be found in a seaside town on the sunny northwest coast of Italy.
Mr. Plotkin has eaten through all 20 regions of Italy to research restaurants, bakeries and gelato shops. (His book “Italy for the Gourmet Traveler” is a neo-classic.) But it’s a cheese-filled flatbread called focaccia col formaggio, the specialty of Recco, that receives his highest praise.
“If I knew I was eating my last meal, this focaccia would be on the menu,” Mr. Plotkin said.
Recipe: Focaccia col Formaggio (Ligurian Crisp Cheese Flatbread)
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