Home Health The number one is associated with striking out on your own and trusting your internal voice. Numerology experts share the meaning of 1111 and how you can make the most of this mystical experience.

The number one is associated with striking out on your own and trusting your internal voice. Numerology experts share the meaning of 1111 and how you can make the most of this mystical experience.

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Whether you’re a major fan of metaphysical practices like tarot and astrology or not, it’s possible there’s been a moment in your life when you’ve seen repeating numbers—sometimes referred to as “angel numbers”—on an ongoing basis. One of the most common sequences is 1111, which can pop up either on your clock, in addresses, order numbers, a license plate on a car you’re stuck behind in traffic or anywhere else out in the world. Sure, it could just be a coincidence that you keep seeing 1111, but it’s also worth considering that there’s a deeper meaning.

“Numbers have been used as a symbolic language for thousands of years,” says numerologist Josh Siegel “It is not uncommon for someone to see a series of numbers repeatedly, and one does not need to believe that their guardian angels are involved. However, these number sequences can still be a message from our subconscious minds or possibly a form of synchronicity that we are going through a shift.” Over the years, Siegel has worked with countless clients whose experience seeing repeating numbers correlated to periods of awakening or a major change of direction in their lives.

Here, Siegel and other numerology experts share the meaning of 1111 and how you can make the most of this mystical—and actually quite common—experience. 

Meet the expert

    Josh Siegel is a master numerologist with more than 25 years of experience. Mystic Michaela is a celebrity aura reader, psychic medium, and author of The Angel Numbers Book. Novalee Wilder is a professional numerologist, founder of The Numerology School, and host of The Numerology Podcast.

What does angel number 1 mean?

Before diving into what 1111 means, it can help to understand what the number one means in and of itself. 

“It is the first single digit and stands alone,” explains Siegel. “Therefore, it signifies the individual who confidently creates their own future. It is a natural leader who takes decisive action to actualize their own unique creative ideas.” 

The number one is associated with striking out on your own and being driven and guided by your internal voice. 

“When you see this number, it’s a strong sign from the universe that you are being supported with powerful forces to manifest in your life,” adds Mystic Michaela, a celebrity aura reader and psychic medium. “Whether this is love, career, health or a courageous pursuit, you are being reminded that you create your own reality.”

What does it mean if you’re seeing 1111 repeatedly? 

Given the independent, dynamic nature of one in numerology, it stands to reason that the message behind repeating ones is also about being bold. “If a person repeatedly sees a series of ones, then it is time to challenge yourself to bring forward your leadership skills,” recommends Siegel. “It has not served you to stay in the background or play second fiddle. You are being reminded that you have your own unique skill set and it’s time to be the trailblazer.”

It’s time to ask yourself whether you’re ready to tap into your inner entrepreneur or authority figure. Siegel recommends asking yourself, “Am I ready to go out on my own, launch that brand, write that book, or go for that leadership position?”  

Novalee Wilder, a professional numerologist, agrees, adding that repeating ones implore you to explore something new. “Seeing repeating ones is an indicator that you’re ready to respond and engage with the world,” she notes. “No need to hide or wait. Go share, teach and pass on your knowledge now. Trust your intuition.”

And distinctive 11s (versus repeating ones) have their own interpretation, as 11 is a master number, which carries special intensity. “The number 11 has been singled out in number symbolism as representing a higher message or calling for those who can respond to its inspirational message,” notes Siegel. 

As far as Michaela is concerned, four ones in a row aka 1111 or 11:11—is reassurance that you’re right on track. “This is an exclamation point from your angel team that you are already on the path to manifesting your goals,” she explains. “Seeing this is a huge reminder to set an intention, or an inspired thought, and put it out there for the universe to take with faith that all will come to you in divine timing.” 

See also
Manifesting what you want is possible. But, according to spiritual teacher Gabrielle Bernstein, author of 10 books, including 'Self Help: This Is Your Chance to Change Your Life,' manifesting work unless you take the vital first step of addressing negative core beliefs.

What 1111s mean for your love life.

The number one is associated with striking out on your own and trusting your internal voice. Numerology experts share the meaning of 1111 and how you can make the most of this mystical experience.

Whether you're just met someone new or are going through a transformation with your long-term love, you might find you’re seeing repeating ones more often. Either way, the experts we spoke to agree that seeing 1111 is empowering as it relates to romance, as it can indicate that you’re showing up as yourself within a potential or existing bond.

If you’re in a relationship when you see repeating ones, it’s a sign that you and your partner both have enough confidence and security to allow your true selves to shine, explains Siegel. 

Michaela agrees that seeing 1111 when you’re attached is a reminder that whatever makes you unique and distinctive is a strength within your partnership. “You may want to sit down and have a conversation about goals, wishes, and dreams,” she says. “Considering how your individual paths unite to create an empowered journey is the message 1111 is sending you. [Your angels] want you to discuss your individual dreams and see how you can combine them to become an unstoppable force.” 

If you’re single, 1111 is a reminder that loving yourself is key to being loved by someone else, says Michaela. “Seeing 1111 is a timely message from your angels to sit down with yourself and reevaluate the way you speak to yourself, how you show yourself love, and where you can set some boundaries where you aren’t feeling appreciated,” she notes. “Making sure you are getting the treatment you deserve, from yourself and others, will set you up for success in a romantic relationship to come.”

And should the angel number pop up when you’re launching a new relationship, it’s a sign you’re on track. “I would love to see 1111 if I was starting to date or at the beginning of a relationship,” adds Wilder. “It could indicate that this connection is a supportive one, that you will get to a new or deeper level of love.” She adds that it’s also “very fortunate” if you want to grow a family. 

What 1111s mean for your career. 

It’s possible you’ve been seeing repeating ones while feeling discouraged about being at a standstill in your professional path or ahead of an exciting new chapter related to your advancement. The key takeaway: “Your greater success will come from no other source than yourself,” says Siegel. “It is perfectly fine to gain experience while working for others or having some kind of mentor, however your ultimate path is for you to make your own way. You have specific gifts and qualities which are unique to you and only you can breathe life into them. It is time to lead others from your own experience and forge a path to success by embodying your true self.” By embracing this message, you’ll attract recognition and abundance, says Siegel. 

It also bears noting that you might also be seeing 11s, because you’re being called upon to be a light to and to inspire others with your work, he explains. “You would need to ask yourself if that resonates,” says Siegel. “If so, fine tune what message you would like to deliver to others and stay true to your purpose.” 

Finally, because 1111 is tied to beginnings, you could be getting the green light to start to pursue a career-related goal, explains Wilder. 

The Takeaway

When it comes to hitting the gas on your career goals or taking a relationship to the next level, you might lean on a loved one, significant other, or your therapist to help you decide how to proceed. But it can also help to tune into the universe, your spirit guides, your angels, or your unconscious. 

“Each of us have our own journey and pathway while we go through life,” says Siegel. “There are guideposts along the way that can help us if we are open to seeing them. Numbers are powerful universal symbols that can provide the message we need at the right time. If you repeatedly see 1111, your time has come to step forward and be the person you were always meant to be.” 

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