Home Beauty Lash lifts are a popular cosmetic treatment that lengthens and lifts the natural lashes. Here’s everything there is to know about lash lifts, according to experts.

Lash lifts are a popular cosmetic treatment that lengthens and lifts the natural lashes. Here’s everything there is to know about lash lifts, according to experts.

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Long, fluttery lashes are one of the biggest beauty flexes. Unfortunately, not everyone is born with them—or the ability to seamlessly apply falsies. Thankfully, lash lifts exist. Unlike extensions, lash lifts are a cosmetic treatment designed to accentuate the natural lashes without the addition of any faux lashes. Best of all, the results last for weeks on end. Intrigued? Keep reading to learn everything there is to know about lash lifts. 

Meet the expert

    Clementina Richardson is a celebrity lash and brow expert and the founder of Envious Lashes. Tammy Phan is the global educational director at Sugarlash PRO.  Laura Brown is a lash expert and content executive at London Lash.

What is a lash lift?

Lash lifts are a popular cosmetic treatment that lengthens and lifts the natural lashes. Here's everything there is to know about lash lifts, according to experts.

A lash lift is an in-salon treatment designed to add structure to the natural lashes. “A lash lift is a cosmetic treatment that enhances the look of natural lashes by lifting and curling them into shape on a silicone shield,” explains Sugarlash PRO global education director Tammy Phan. 

According to Phan, a lash lift works by relaxing your natural lashes to make them more malleable. “Using ingredients like Cysteamine, the disulfide bonds of your lashes are broken down to make them flexible so they’ll sit where we want them,” she explains. “Next, a neutralizing solution (also called a setting solution) re-strengthens the lash so it holds the perfect curl. This process is what gives you flawless lashes for four to six weeks or up to six to eight weeks depending on your lash growth cycle and if your artist is using service boosters like Sugarlash PRO’s PLUMP and GLAZE. These add protein back to your freshly processed lashes and can even help further secure the curl.”

Overall, the benefit of lash lifts is that they shape your natural lashes so that you can forgo daily curling. 

The Lash Lift Process

Lash lifts are a popular cosmetic treatment that lengthens and lifts the natural lashes. Here's everything there is to know about lash lifts, according to experts.

As with any cosmetic treatment, a lash lift begins with a consultation. “It’s crucial to consult with the client before proceeding with the lash lift,” says London Lash lash expert Laura Brown. “Since everyone’s lashes are unique, this step helps to understand the client’s lash length, strength, and desired curl level. It ensures that the lash technician can deliver the exact look the client wants.”

Once the client’s goals are discussed and agreed upon, it’s time to begin the lash lift process. The first step is prep. “Start by cleansing the lashes with a gentle cleanser to remove any dirt, oil, or makeup before the service,” Phan says. “You’ll also want to make sure the delicate skin around the under eye and the lower lashes are protected with under-eye pads or tape.”

After the eye area is prepped, silicone rods are put in place. The rods come in various sizes and your tech will choose the one that best matches your natural lashes. “The shield size determines the overall look of the Lash Lift,” Phan says. “Artists will opt for a size up for more curl and a size down for a tighter lift.”

Then, the lashes are affixed to the rods. “The natural lashes are carefully adhered to the silicone shield using a water-soluble adhesive,” Phan says. “This way we keep them exactly where we want them during the lifting process.”

Next, the actual lifting solution is applied. “This is what softens the lashes so they can take on the shape of the shield,” Phan says. “The amount of time it takes to process depends on your hair density—it may be as low as six minutes for fine hair or double that for coarse hair. Once it’s done, all the solution will be wiped away to prepare for the next step – no water necessary.”

We’re not done just yet! The lift still has to be set. “We apply a setting solution to the same area we just had the lifting solution,” Phan says. “This will lock your lashes back in place so their new shape holds once the shield is removed.” It’s at this point that clients can decide if they want just a lift or a tint, too. 

Once the setting solution (and tint) has processed, it gets wiped away and a conditioning serum is applied to hydrate and strengthen the lashes. And that’s the full lash lift process!

Some lash studios, like Sugarlash PRO, offer additional steps to further tailor the lash lift experience. “Sugarlash PRO has lash lift-specific post-service boosters to enhance the look and longevity of the lift,” Phan says. “PLUMP can replace the Nourishing treatment to promote lash density. We also have GLAZE, a keratin treatment with a kiss of color. It’s the perfect final step to add a little extra support to the curl while the lashes set for 24 hours.”

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Lash Lift vs. Lash Extensions

Lash lifts are a popular cosmetic treatment that lengthens and lifts the natural lashes. Here's everything there is to know about lash lifts, according to experts.

Lash lifts and extensions are two totally different cosmetic treatments. “Lash extensions will add both length and a curl if needed along with density,” says celebrity lash and brow expert Clementina Richardson, who is the founder of Envious Lashes. “A lash lift will only enhance what you naturally have, adding a curl. [Though,] the natural lashes may appear a little longer because they are visible from the front.”

Preparing for a Lash Lift

Lash lifts are a popular cosmetic treatment that lengthens and lifts the natural lashes. Here's everything there is to know about lash lifts, according to experts.

Lash lifts don’t require much prep. Richardson says to simply show up to your appointment with clean, makeup-free lashes. Don’t worry if any remnants remain, though, as cleansing the lashes is part of the initial in-office prep step. 

Meanwhile, if you wear contacts, Phan says to remove them prior to the appointment. “Either opt out of wearing contacts or bring a case to remove them before your appointment,” she says. “This is to keep your eyes safe from the solutions being applied to your lashes.”

Additionally, if you drink a lot of caffeine, Phan suggests limiting your intake or skipping it altogether. “It can make your eyes jittery—and don’t worry you can always take a nap during your appointment if you need a midday pick-me-up,” she says.

Lastly, Richardson and Phan say to think ahead. Post-lift, you can’t get your lashes wet for 24 hours, so you’ll want to refrain from scheduling any activities that could interfere. “[Lash lifts] need a full 24 hours to lock in their new shape, meaning it’ll be best to shower ahead of time and skip pools, saunas, and high intensity workouts until your lashes set,” Phan says.

The Best Candidate for a Lash Lift

Lash lifts are a popular cosmetic treatment that lengthens and lifts the natural lashes. Here's everything there is to know about lash lifts, according to experts.

Anyone and everyone! “Whether you are male or female, anyone can benefit from a lash lift,” Richardson says. “You will just need to have natural lashes that are at least 4mm or longer.”

Just keep in mind, some medications can cause brittle lashes, as can some pre-existing conditions. “If you’re ever curious, reach out to your local lash artist and they’ll be able to conduct a full consultation with you before the service,” Phan says.

What a Lash Lift Looks Like Post-Treatment

Lash lifts are a popular cosmetic treatment that lengthens and lifts the natural lashes. Here's everything there is to know about lash lifts, according to experts.

Lash lifts offer instant results. “Immediately after a lash lift treatment, your lashes will appear more lifted, voluminous, and defined,” Phan says. “Your lashes may have a slightly wet or glossy appearance due to the nourishing solution and or noosters applied at the end of your treatment—this is totally normal.”

After you rinse your lashes 24 hours post-treatment, your lashes will look natural, long, and fluffy. “At this point, you can wear mascara, or an aftercare treatment like Sugarlash Society’s Glaze to enhance your new lift,” Phan adds.

How to Care for a Lash Lift

Lash lifts are super low maintenance. Simply don’t get them wet for the first 24 hours then you can follow your normal beauty routine—minus lash curlers. “It’s important that you avoid using any heated or traditional lash curlers between appointments to reduce the risk of damaging your natural lashes,” Phan says.

The Cost

The cost of a lash lift will vary based on the salon. Generally speaking, lash lifts in metropolitan areas cost more than in suburban areas. “Lash lifts can cost $75.00 to $250 depending on location and of course the expertise of the lash stylist,” Richardson says.

Frequently Asked Questions

    Are lash lifts damaging to the lashes?

    If done correctly, no. “Damage to natural lashes can only occur if they are over-processed,” Richardson says. “The technician must be aware of how much time is needed for a lash lift based on the type of hair follicle the client has.  Always go to a licensed tech not just a certified professional”

    How long does a lash lift last?

    Lash lifts last for a few weeks. “Lash lifts can be done every three and a half to six weeks because this is the growth cycle of the natural lash,” Richardson says. Your lifestyle also plays a role in how long your lift lasts. “Certain lifestyle factors like wearing heavy makeup, visiting saunas, or having frequent intense workouts can reduce the longevity of your lift,” Phan says. “In order to combat that we recommend using hydration and protein treatments to reduce the potential of any lifestyle factors impacting your lift.”

    Can you use mascara with a lash lift?

    24 hours post-treatment, yes. “Just make sure you’re being gentle with your freshly processed lashes and skip the lash curler,” Phan reminds us.

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